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the best conductor~
fifth prize~
fouth prize~
third prize~
second prize~
first prize~

sch chu lan
sch tasik

shc ACC
sch AMC
=12/05/2009=this day is school PGS choir's competition......
isn't it is our school lucky day...?????^^
or is the bad day......?????==
of cause is not.......
this day got five school came 2 competiton......
include AMC,ACC,PGS,SCH CHU LAN and(1 SCH fr TASIK)....
every people fr ipoh will think the sch AMC take the first prize.....
but this time,
not the shc AMC take first prize.....
is the TASIK sch.....
our sch take the fourth prize.....
is ok.....
not bad....
all the can take the first prize if the prize is work together.....
u can see all the sch is very cooperate......
they can play together......
this prize is better than the prize the competition prize.....
i cnt say anything fr all the sch.....
bez i can see all student cn work together.....
~ finish the exam lo....^^~
so happy o......^.^~but want the exam(try exam) lo......==and then the(PMR) o......=='oh my got......==''my heart is broken me......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
never mind.......
i wish all people pass this exam lo......
and also take care n be careful.......
try the best ar.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
i m ET=yeetheng=^o^
nice2meet all......