include our member(SGM)perform...^^
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I am back~
hei~ buddy!!!!!
I m back!!!!!
haha~not after after all exam or activities....
tired!!!!!begin I take my PMR exam a week....
after my exam,I take part at my religion(Sokkai Gaggai Malaysia)to participle an activities about "satu malaysia"...
I enjoy that experience about that activities...
there was full of joy and that was so funny...!!!!
I learn many new friends at the time....
include ours' members...we improve our's sensitive in this activities...
I feel glory when I stand on the field(stadium)....
I also can do something to redound my "home"(MALAYSIA)...
so,I just want to said "MALAYSIA BOLEH"!!!!!!
but I really hope Malaysia really boleh(can!!!),what u see is our politic so chaos now....especially is Chinese...not only my opinion,there was many people know the matter of Malaysia...
I don't want to talk anymore....and what I going to said???!!!!
they so irrational,my compatriot =="...
Ok,I really stop talking our country's politic...
that day I stand near the place but only VIP place...
but it's ok,because I can see our's primer ...
haha~so handsome....hahahaha~
even so tired,I determined it....^^
but ....
unfortunately is my costume 'zip drop down after a welcome dance...
I was so lucky because a girl help me to pull it up...
but I feel discomfiture that time...due when I sat down after a dance,I hear some little voice calling “小妹妹”,but I ignore them.... was the experience I cannot forget!!!!!!!!!!
but I am the lucky,because my sister,Pui Ee,Pui Mun they all wear "cheong sam",it difficult to sit,because it only can sit one position....if move will show what clothes u wearing inside...==
Pui Ee and a malay girl cannot suffer, so they go to rest a few of hours...
my sis and Pui Mun determined it,they so...."professional"....
after this we take some photo....
but I want to said is so fun that day...
whatever change formation(we practice before all has been call off,a new is easy as ABC),last minutes get ours' costume(about 15minutes get it),costume size not same to our body size(I change about 5costume and I get a better costume than I wear before...)hahaha~
boy is good,nothing to think,just wear the correct shirt is ok...
oh my god....
and u can check it at
hope all of u happy and healthy always!!!!!!!
*:pls forgive me if have any mistake...^^
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

hahaha~I have finished my PMR exam....
I suffer 5day for my PMR exam...I am free now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i still want to learnt english....
even it is so paintful,but I need to struggling!!!!!
the last day is chinese....
I had choose my summary and the title is"十五岁的我,成熟多了...."
I write my real life into the summary...
I have cried when I write my summary....
due it is my experience....
of cause no people know I am crying...
when I recall my family,my friends...
they all support me~!!!!
especially is my SGM friends...
I miss them!!!!!!
but I also excited when my uncle told me this Sartuday go to pinang...
I don't know what the last time I go to Pinang....
Means that I long time not go to Pinang,even the place near to Ipoh....
and I also want to congulation to all my friends due their finished their exam!!!
but when I thinking Pinang,still want to say Excite!!!!!!!!!!!!
*:if got any mistake , please forgive me!!!!thanks..^^
Saturday, October 10, 2009
= feel sorry to my family=

today not school day....I not going to school...
but I need to prepare my exam next week...
I study history,I prefer history more than mathematic...
history can give us moral value too...
but I can't realize,i cried..I know I am crazy,but I feel I like a fool!!!!Due I am not keen in every subject..
I don't want my family know about what happened for me...
I know I am very tired,I hide myself in toilet...
nobody know me except my sister,because my mother went out to work...
hope nobody will knew I cried before...
at the meantime, I sms with karyee...
she told me she also be crazy if like that...
I had give her guide and call her chanting...but she not trust that...
she told me her mother support her and this is very satisfy...
At once,I feel that my aunt Alice and my mother did not compel me...
While I am thinking this,I really cried out!!!!
I feel so warm but I feel ashamed to them...
I am sorry...Sorry,sorry and sorry!!!!!!
I know whom I am...but I really not love to study...
yap,I know study is good for us!!!
but I do not like this...I was disappoint myself....I heat myself...
I don't like to study but when I see all the poor children cannot go to school but they love study...I recall what my aunt and mother talk to me,I want to cried!!!!
sorry!!!!I make yours disappoint!!!!please forgive me...
I will tried my best in my really love subject(BI,BC,GG,SJ)
BI and GG over already...I not confident I will get A...
this is true...because I get many mistake...
I know you all know I love to sing,dance..
yes,I really inspire to become an artist...
It is my dream!!!!I know you all will support me,right???!!!
hence,I will never make yours disappoint again...
I will do many chanting,I will achieve my dream!!!!
will you support me??!!!and remember after cry is smile!!!!!
follow me...123...SMILE!!!!!
*:please forgive me if got any mistake...^^
Friday, October 9, 2009
after 3days....

after 3 days....
PMR exam....
this 3 day annoy me always...
at the meantime, i still got history(sejarah),math,chinese,kh...
give me relax la~
after PMR exam over....
so happy and can play always!!!!!
this three days exam,i hope my geografi,english get A....
next week,my BC get A...
maybe i can do it....!!!!
just try my best!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
first day~

today is first day of my PMR exam....
I don't know how to do the paper of BM(paper 1)...
so difficult...
that all words i not see it before....
don't know how to answer....
and feel asleep...
besides that, paper2 is easy...
because I can create my own...
and I not enough time do to this....(actually left only 1or 2 second...)
haha~ I know I not only one girl who only knows do paper2....
but the important is reading first!!!!!
so,i hope all my friends can get a good result at this exam...
wish all good luck!!!!!!
*:if have any mistake, pls forgive me....thanks...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
PMR exam~

tomorrow is the first day exam(PMR)...
i feel stress because i study and study,read and read...
no more time to rest...
my aim is my English, Chinese, and geografi get A...
if can't ,i think i will very disappoint....
i always thinks i cannot,but if i study hard...
will get the best...
i will do my best...!!!!
many people support me,i know...
especially my aunt....
always advice me,take care me...
thanks for all!!!!!
i belief that ,Gohonzon will take care me too...!!!!
after PMR, i will write all about my secret...
so,i will smart!!!!!right???!!!!
everybody,such like me...
more confident!!!!
u will success!!!!
Friday, October 2, 2009

i totally fell stress to my PMR exam...
help me!!!!!
i confident to my future job...
i wanna to be artist,but can i do it????
i wanna to be air steward ,but i can to it???
future annoy me.....!!!!
i dn.t know what i want to do now....
i'm very love english...
no....i love language...
now, i fell stress to my exam....
now,what i want to do...????!!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009

today i saw many people when I went back home....
at the time, i feel that the sincere smile can make us make more friends....
that's real!!!! trust me....!!!!
i always smile with people....
then that people will smile with me too...
then u will gave that people memories to u....
not only that,everyday smile made us happy....
and please think that u smile can keep a day,
sad also can keep a day....
so,happy be always....!!!!
even faced to any difficult problem....
so, i wish u all happy !!!!
remember,happy can = happiness!!!!!
*:pls forgive me if any mistake with grammar and english....thx...==
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