this is my feeling today.....(sigh)~today I got "sukan"practice....

well,I go to choose the exercise that I cannot done -lontar peluru and lompat tinggi....unfortunately,peluruh team(event)only got very little people choosing....I got the feeling- regret....all the people look to me....speaking my ill("how you can do it,u are so small....")("why you choose this..??")....Arghhhhh...very very disappointed...they all give out that moment,I totally give out....I scared all the people stare to's very terrible ....!!!and I give up...I never done my best.....just simple play it to show them.....but I am thinking now,: it had been 4years,I still got 1more year,I can't play it...~why I didn't do my best..???!!!!lompat tinggi same too....because lontar peluruh is this first games,after that is lompat tinggi,two games play with one after one,so stress...I tried all the games twice times,but how I play it!!!!failure...loser...go back to chanting(my religion)....Lol...after two games finished,where I go..???!!!I totally want to find a place to hide myself...==''totally disgrace**...shhh....don't tell my secret ooo....hehe~but really bad feeling~I can jump last Thursday!!!(sad~)and last,I
call my friend help me ask the ketua(in charge teacher)can I got to library done my homework...???he admit...and I just run,ran,run(not grammar time=='')...when the running part,my feeling ....very difficult to
I'm freedom!!!!!! OR
I have found the place to hide myself....

I'm the first one get into the library,the first one finished two game....
but what I give out,this is very important.....I try my best at the lompat tinggi game...but and the case about the post....
I have posed the 'wang pos' to X fm(radio station)...and they say thet never get it...maybe it had lost....want it again...???!!!look like buy a prize more than win a prize....

but look to the different side,my shoes haven't get it,but the people say they have posed it,a long time...maybe it's taken long time.....I need to wait more 3days....I don't believe that will lost!!!!!even I use the letter is made by myself...^^doesn't matter....recycle arrrrr....
[life will not again,again,and again....start to learn all the things that you can do it...!!!try yours best!!!!!I will always by your side!!!!!]

*I got upload some photo of me....ugly face!!!!==
*maybe stop here,good luck to you all....^^
*if got any mistake,please corret me!!!!thanks!!!!