Wednesday, March 17, 2010


recently,I find out very boring but I love the boring.....I can just online,and online...continue and continue.....and make my aim,my goal that's study hard as I want to get out to get education,continue my dream....dream big....

lazy is the important case that make cannot do that...first,I need to interesting with all subject that i study now...there is the way to get good result....

hobby + study hard = 100% success
not interesting + study hard = 90% success(maybe can get the goal....whatever..)
hobby + lazy = 0% success

successful make by own-self....we must not be escape the question even that's hard...!
tell yourself...."I MUST BE HARD!GET THE GOOD RESULT!"
we are human,from we growth (that day we come out from ours' family),the aim is studying,human is education,remember that....whatever u say not interesting,but I can tell u,must got one thing that u love it.....see when your changing....go for it,guys..!!!!

I will always support yours!^^

and I remember a words:"if you think u can,u can!!!!!!!!!"

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