Monday, April 26, 2010

that was once time again~

I HATE!!!!
that's happened in this year again....I have get ready to face this problem again~
I don't understand...I know that's the way to make me to grow....this is the first time that I cannot understand what the false of me...
okay,now,I tell u a story....
{in a meeting,sit at floor}
a selfish girl have a lot of book,she put it on her's leg(the floor not dirty,but she don't want to put it on the floor)...after that,she feel pain and tired...then ,she put her's book to besides friends(put it on the book of her's friend)...
the girl have nothing to do,she feel that is totally unfair,so she take up the book,and put it on her own leg....and this cannot imagine!that selfish girl say:"don't be selfish!"she talked to the girl,the girl mind:what is this girl?in all the situation to see that is the selfish girl don't want put it on the floor,must find a "plate"to give her's book to "sleep" ...
at first,the girl not compromise to her,she need the girl know what was she done..after that,the girl feel tired too,she put down the book,the selfish girl put her's book on the girl's book..the girl never make a sound,she feel if she stop talking with the selfish girl,she will know what happen.she will know that she false...15minutes,the girl just answer like make a "shhhhhh..."position~and finally the selfish girl take her book ...
after finish the meeting,the selfish run faster than the girl,the girl cannot believe have a girl like this...she suffer the selfish girl,and 1hour ago,the selfish girl didn't make a sound such as question or what...she(selfish girl) angry about the girl ignore him...she so stubborn,,what can the girl do with the selfish girl,continue stop talking?!the girl annoying but sad,she know that the selfish girl didn't have regret or feel sorry...avoid to be enemy,she start to talk something with her...she know the disadvantage,not talking,no friend,she will sad...and she compromise with the selfish girl...
the girl don't understand why the false is her...finally is she false...back to home,she cried...she regret and no ....regret a dilemma situation...
she sad the girl...she cannot be a selfish girl,she will get worst at a day ...she scare...but she do nothing....what can change,is about the selfish girl...

the girl give up,and she want to say sorry that she give up to teach her how to be a people...............
{the end}

I feel this story is a best story,we can know a people cannot be selfish,and we need to teach a guys how to be a people..!like the movie 做人(Singapore movie)...I think I like the girl,who will give up the girl... the girl so selfish...I cannot suffer too,but stubborn,cannot help too...just be myself....suffer job..when u get out for a job,u need to suffer,except you are the tauke(boss)...or else....less talk,more work.....keep your job safely....

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