Tuesday, October 13, 2009



hahaha~I have finished my PMR exam....
I suffer 5day for my PMR exam...I am free now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i still want to learnt english....
even it is so paintful,but I need to struggling!!!!!
the last day is chinese....
I had choose my summary and the title is"十五岁的我,成熟多了...."
I write my real life into the summary...
I have cried when I write my summary....
due it is my experience....
of cause no people know I am crying...
when I recall my family,my friends...
they all support me~!!!!
especially is my SGM friends...
I miss them!!!!!!
but I also excited when my uncle told me this Sartuday go to pinang...
I don't know what the last time I go to Pinang....
Means that I long time not go to Pinang,even the place near to Ipoh....
and I also want to congulation to all my friends due their finished their exam!!!
but when I thinking Pinang,still want to say Excite!!!!!!!!!!!!

*:if got any mistake , please forgive me!!!!thanks..^^

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