Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy new year.......(EVE)

happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sorry,I know today just eve for new year2010!but it's so worry about after the new year....all about the new the education,next year I will be Form4...I can't believed that the time was moved so fast.....and recall back like only 1minutes....a new year ,a new challenge...what I will face to next year,is a big problem.....????now I know my new class for next year,but nobody(friends)same this class with me....and they also unlike Mathematics (my class is Princip Ecount
*:actually I don't know what the name of my class,look like that la)....this problem is about my future vex......all my friends call my and agree me change the class to science class....I think learn Science better than Mathematics for,listen my good news....see which class I study!!!moreover,the new or more difficult problem don't scare me,can to find me!!!!I got a lot of faith to challenge you....!!!hope guys you also same like me,use yr faithful to challenge your problem!!wish you all happy new year!!!
and my wishes for next year is

*:cute picture err.....

->>>second,all people can join the recycle activities,care to ours' world.....


->>>third,I will better in communication....
->>>fourth,my English will better and better....
->>>last,I give the wishes to you guys....fulfill all you want...all you need...

*give the wishes to you all.....

so,stop until here.......see you all next time....!!


Thursday, December 24, 2009

after everything had happened~

The most made me so sad,made me cry is not the bad my family,they support me,made me so moved.....I'm a sensitive people...when I faced to a problem,I"ll cry,tears will come out from my eyes through the mother just now called me about the PMR result.....she say my dad said:"B arr...????RM5 happy about this..."ha ha~

and KarYee also give the souvenir to me alr....cute too.....

u know that I can't sleep terrible....I just listen the radio and check study(book).....nearly 2:00am also can sleep.....

okay,I would like to share my result and the situation of the school(some picture at ther)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7B,1C...!!!!!!!!!!!not my aim is at least got English,Chinese....Geografi..!!!!I totally lost...!!!I don't know how to faced my teacher-Pn.Hoh....sorry about that...
at first,I think my gg can get A,but the result....C!!!!!!I really feel I'm the lost loser....English....It's really the best already,I scare the result come out is English not pass...if that happen,I think I'll going to die....but fortunately,that didn't happen....many family called me at the first time,uncle Hoh,Uncle Raymond,Aunt Wendy,mother....the happened made me so real....that feeling,when u are hearing someone give u support,give u good comment,u will cry...!!!today I was like that.....(forgot to take the picture of the tissue pack....I finished all the tissue...)

haha~and the most happy is Aunt Alice fetch us go to buy a digital cheap-RM396(Canon,quality not bad) this very much....the camera bought from the place is the place I grow up(I grow up at a restaurant...old kopi shop,now still a restaurant too...hehe~)....

I grow up here....^^

and all....stop until here....take care friends,whatever your result is bad/good or not,just think your future now....!!!!!!hold on your future...still got From4,From5.....still got SPM,university.....
good job la..~
take care...^^

*:please forgive me if got any mistake,thanks...^^

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

very terrible about that~!!!!!!

it's very terrible about the PMR exam....I fear about father promise me if I can get 3A,I can learn piano .....but if family will very disappoint to me,I also will very disappoint and want to give up myself....==...
I must faithful about this...but not easy,especially is the test at facebook,I test my PMR result,but only can get 1A, scare!!!!
I really near to died.....because I really scare...!!!!!!!!!!I really do my best!!!!!
help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so,give me some support.....

good jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so,I hope my English,Chinese,Geografi and Malay can get A good luck to me...!!!

*:pls forgive me if hv any mistake....thanks....take care^^

Chinese festival-冬至Winter Solstice

yesterday is a day which is Chinese festival-冬至Winter Solstice(I find out in the translate),every Chinese must cook the "tangyuan",means reunion团圆....
so I got take a photo at today,due the "tangyuan"not finish yesterday,so stay until today.....but I got only one photo...ha ha~forget to take some dishes we ate shrimp,chicken,鸡脚(chicken's leg=.=''),soup,vegetable....haha~
very delicious....and abound of food....
so, remember,respect to ours' festival......especially is Chinese....
wish you all happy and will always ‘reunion' ....
now I give the photo to you a present of winter solstice...can see but cannot eat....haha~good luck all!!!!

*:pls forgive me if have any mistake,thanks....
=take care=

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


1pictures:chaos on the floor....

2pictures:still chaos....


chaos~yesterday we had an activities is arrange all the shirts,pants inside the cabinet...i find out there was so chaos....many shirt I not wear before....haiz....many shirt I gave to people already....all is too small,not suitable to my size....haha~there got many pictures,u would like to see it....^^
after the “mission",is almost 8:30pm,we take part of this almost more than 1hours...!!

nothing over there.....

=first group of the shirt~

=second group of the shirt..~

=third group of the shirt~

=forth group/last group of the shirt...

but when I came down from the stair through my bed room....have my dinner la....~daddy and mother almost finished their dinner,and my mother have put some fish and Sausage into my plates....haha~happiness le....


and forget to tell you all,I got some tips arrange the shirt....use the hanger center got a hole,put the same type shirt inside there,I got some picture ....u can learn it from that....It's so save the place...haha~when you find the shirt also easy as ABC la~hahahaha~okay,today share until here....

*this all about long sleeve and briefs(长袖衣配紧身裤。。。)like this can save many shirts and pants...easy to find out...^^

this all about shirt and my exercise shirt-white color...(出街衣服和运动时的衣服)save place and easy to find too^^....~

this is the exercise pants......made it together!!!!^^

finish!!!!!!~tidy already....!!!^^

and last I early wish you all happy Merry Christmas...!!!enjoys yourself...!!!^^

*pls forgive me if got any mistake...^^thanks....

Monday, December 14, 2009


I not ever try before like this vacation.......It's too boring and I feel so confuse....what my aim,I so confuse about that.....when think about my dream,I feel I am crazy...!!!!!!!!!!but I saw a guide,I would like to share with yours...
"IMPOSSIBLE",can be I am possible.....yeh~I can do it,just see my determine,my faith....all victory like this.....a lot of faith can get the 100% victory,but no faith,I think guess all will know the ending....
When I listen the song of my blog,the first song-Canon in D,I feel great,whatever song coming out is right here waiting,great song, right..??ha~
this all song is my lover song....this two song give me a lot of energy....ha ha~
okay,back to my title today,is about confuse....confuse what I going to do after today,tomorrow and more.....I watch many types of movie,many English movie...and what I going to learn is more English world...perhaps my sister is right,she say Chinese is so unique,because one word meaning is one,not like English,due English can be many meaning....but I very love English....ha ha~but I still will continue learning English...^^and talk to this,I would like to tell you all my secret...
actually not secret,ha ha~just I want to learn all the language for this world...hehe...a big aim....ha ha~
okay,this is my current aim....ha....
okay,I will stop now,take care all^^.....

*pls forgive me if have any mistake,thanks...^^

Thursday, December 10, 2009

my favour day^^

What is the day for today...????!!!!is Thursday10/12!!!!!!!!!!!
yesterday is my birthday,I received more than 10wishes from my friend,family.....

*that t3picture is about my birthday cake,chess chicken rice and my birthday "angpau"....^^

I was very happy yesterday,Aunt Alice offer me a dinner at MP....we had enjoy chess chicken rice,beef rice and also a coffee ....It is so delicious....!!!
next,I want to thanks to all wishes from my friends....I can feel the sincere wishes of yours!!!!!!!!!!THANKS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!^^wish you all healthy and happy too.....
and I would like to say thanks to Red fm,due they give out the Rihhana CD to me....
Monday I join this sms contest to pick up CD of the week.....lastly,I get this,.....!!!!!!I was very happy that time,that really can't believe....I am the winner...!!!!hahahahahaha~so,I would like to say thanks to Red,and wish all the staff and all the audience happy and healthy always....^^take care all.....
most thankfull is to my best friends -Thim Yun^^,she made a picture to me....thanks you....I think this birthday is the most meaning full as this 15years ....
I will do my best and I will not let you all disappointed again..!!!!I will achieve my aim and all....thanks a lot..^^
take care^^

*:pls forgive me if got any mistake....thanks...^^